Saturday, 19 May 2018

Chicken soup


  1.  About 200g of chicken thighs, I prefer this part of the chicken because its naturally juicier 
  2. Carrots, peas, corn
  3. thyme, garlic powder, ginger powder, salt, white pepper, black pepper, curry powder, sweet pepper powder
  4. 2 red peppers and about 3 scotch bonnets
  5. Corn flour
  6. Milk

Blend red peppers and scotch bonnet. Boil chicken and dry spices (except the curry and red pepper powder) with about 2-3 tablespoons of the pepper paste you just blended. Boil chicken for 10 minutes then remove chicken from stock and keep in the fridge to cool down. Continue cooking chicken stock on low heat. Once the chicken has cooled down remove the bones and shred the flesh. Add a cup of water to the stock and add more salt( make sure you taste it first), sweet pepper powder and curry powder.  Add a tablespoon of the pepper paste and add then add the chicken. Allow to simmer. Add vegetables. Whisk two tablespoons of corn flour and milk in a bowl and then add to the soup gradually as it thickens. Remove from the heat and serve while hot. 


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